Blogs are a great way to get involved in the world of affiliate marketing. They’re simple to set up, very attractive aesthetically and comfortably easy to navigate. Of course, the need for text that inspires readers when it comes to these types of sites is very much limited. The main reason for having additional blocks of words on a blog is to show the search engine what your content is all about.
The general rule of thumb for blogging is to provide the user with plenty of eye candy in the form of pictures or videos and give the search engine a reasonable block of text to get an idea of what you’re promoting. The text work really isn’t something that your reader is going to go through – although it’s still important to have proper, grammatically correct text there. Search engines don’t like foul play, and if they suspect something is going on, you can bet your bottom dollar that they will be more than willing to blacklist any sites that they believe you own. Trust me – getting your blog empire in the sin bin is a very easy task. As for getting it out? Good luck, you’re on your own.
The text you should be using for your blog posts can be anywhere from 50 to 200 words long, although most people stick to the 100 word mark as it has been tried and tested many times by a large number of webmasters. You may read on several sites that the magic number of 800 words is something Yahoo loves, although I’m sure a lot of your readers will not enjoy scrolling past endless masses of text to see the next entry. The key to blog posts is to make them small enough so they don’t inconvenience someone who isn’t interested in reading them, but large enough to convince the search engine that it’s entirely relevant to the content you’ve produced.
Keyword density is an interesting subject when it comes to small pieces of text and their optimal weight in terms of SEO. You should always try to maintain a keyword saturation of about 1% to 3% and ensure you use enough synonyms for search engines to verify legitimacy. The ultimate solution to any text question is simple: be completely natural. Two or three posts containing 1 keyword is fine and isn’t going to break your site, whereas 100 posts that have equal weight across four to five popular keywords is going to signal your shiny new blog as being potentially dodgy.