The word ‘article’ can cover an extensive amount of different texts – although there are always a few small things you can do when writing anything to ensure more trust from the audience and generally give your reader a better experience. The number one problem most people make when writing anything is to make the text unreadable and unimaginative; you have to ensure that what you’re writing is easy to read, simple to understand and above all, interesting enough to force the reader to continue on to your next paragraph.
Hopefully you’ve made it this far, as I’ve now demonstrated that it’s relatively easy to format your text in a way that demands further reading. Of course, now you’re hooked – you want to read on and find out what the secret to appealing text is. It’s actually surprisingly simple; write down what you’re thinking. I’m not a psychologist and I’ve done absolutely no research into what I’m about to say, but I receive very little critique on my work where I adopt this idea and I’m sure you’ll agree that it actually makes sense.
Text is something that we read on a day-to-day basis and to a lesser extent, create. Of course, written language is just a simulation of actual speech – something that I’m sure a lot of you are all masters of. In fact, writing should be an attractive and fulfilling activity for anyone who can verbally communicate well. We all manage to create sentences out of thin air without any hesitation or conscious thought when we’re talking in real life – yet it’s incredibly rare to make mistakes or misrepresent what we actually mean during this time. Of course, this is because every ‘um’ and ‘ar’ you made as a child added to your communicational skills. Because of this, I think it’s incredibly important to take the first sentence that comes into your head and get it down as soon as possible. Plus, you have the added advantage of being able to edit anything later on and proof read for any errors or inconsistencies in your work (something I’m sure a lot of politicians would like featured in real life).
To summarize in a few words, everyone communicates verbally with others every single day of the week and over the years and years that we’ve done this, our minds have completely mastered the ability to communicate effectively. If you spend several minutes considering every element of what you write, you remove that smooth, simple style of wording that we are all used to hearing and saying. Of course, adapt and change what you’re writing wherever it’s needed, but avoid completely ruining an article by consciously mangling words and ideas together that simply don’t flow.